Trading signal occurs in nSSPP model portfolio: Sell Emerging Market Index, Buy Ariel Fund.
Stocks went into consolidation mode this past week. The SP 500 index closed this week at 1028, up 0.3%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 0.4% for the week, and the Nasdaq composite index gained 0.4%. From ETF ranking table, the US financial sectors outperformed international sectors for the week.
Here is an update for our FEMKX timing system. We will buy FEMKX if its STO[15,1] climbs above 50, hold at least for a month, and sell it if its STO[15,1] falls below 75. We bought into FEMKX on 3/30 at $12.31. FEMKX closded at $19.38 today with a gain of 57.4% so far! We are still holding FEMKX since its STO[15,1] currently stands at 90.8.
Fund Buy On Buy@ Sell On Sell@ P/L
FEMKX 03/26/07 $25.15 08/06/07 $29.53 17.42%
FEMKX 09/10/07 $28.98 12/28/07 $33.82 16.71%
FEMKX 04/28/08 $31.73 6/13/08 $30.81 -2.90%
CASH 06/13/08 $1.00 3/27/09 $1.00 0.0%
FEMKX 03/30/09 $12.31