Fund Rankings Update, 12/28/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Market volatility reached its 10 month high as stocks rebounded sharply this past week. On  Wednesday, Dow Jones Industry Average went down 145 points before reversing itself in the final trading hour and ended up more than 1000 points above its opening price.  Strong Holiday sales seemed to boost investor sentiment this week while government shutdown has not been a negative factor yet.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2485 up 2.86%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 2.75% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 3.97%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

Weekly chart of 5-year S&P 500 index

S&P 500 index rebounded from its 200 week moving average at 2350 this week. From the 5-year weekly chart above, the index rebounded twice from its 200 week moving average at 1810 in early 2016 after declining 15% from its high of 2134. The index then went on a multi-year bull market reaching the high of 2940 and setting up the sharp plunge that we are experiencing right now. Will the history repeat itself? We will have to see how the index behaves around this critical level. However, as the 28 week moving average of the S&P 500 index is trending downward and its momentum is extremely low, we don't expect the index will reverse itself anytime soon. 

Fund Rankings Update, 12/21/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Trading signal occurs in SSPP model portfolio: Sell FIUIX, Buy CASH
Trading signal occurs in SELECT model: portfolio: Sell FSHCX, Buy FSLXX

Stocks plunged further into bear territory after Fed raised the interest rate by quarter point. Looming government shutdown at midnight Friday also weighed in on investor sentiment.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2416 down 7.05%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 6.878% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 8.36%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 has plunged more than 17% from its peak at 2940 in September and closed above the round number support at 2400 this week with weekly momentum indicator at its lowest level in more than 5 years. With all the negativity, it is easy to expect the continuation of the down trend. Looking down, there is a 200 week moving average support around 2350 and a stronger support at 2100. We will see how the index react at these critical levels.

With the steep decline and overwhelming negative sentiment, our model portfolios are all moved to either sideline or ultra conservative position. Two trading signals were issued in SSPP and SELECT model portfolios to moved to cash positions. Momentum ranking method is a trend following method, and we will follow what the market is telling us.  

Fund Rankings Update, 12/14/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Trading signal occurs in ETF model portfolio: Sell IYH, Buy IDU
Trading signal occurs in sETF model: portfolio: Sell IHF, Buy IDU

Stocks struggled to rebound from the sharp plunge last week. Fear of global economy slowdown weighed in on market sentiments as weak economic data trickled in from China, Germany and France over the week.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2599 down 1.26%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1.18% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 0.84%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 turned in an impressive reversal candle stick pattern in the daily chart on Monday. The index initially went down 47 points to 2583, but miraculously reversed itself and ended up 7 points higher at 2637.  However, negative sentiment prevailed and pulled the market down for another week. On the bright side, the index closed this week right at the 2600 support level. Hopefully Santa will bring some optimism to the market to reinforce this support level. 

As market down trend continues, two of our model portfolios have changed their holdings to move to even more defensive positions. With  negative average momentum indices (AMIs), ETF and sETF model portfolios have signaled to sell their current holdings and move to utility index fund, IDU.  

This month is when fund companies distribute their year-end dividend and capital gains. These distributions greatly affect the momentum ranking calculation, and I have tried to take them into account as accurately as I can.  However, these data are not publicly available and not accurate even if they are available. Please noted the rankings may have larger error margin during this time.

Fund Rankings Update, 12/7/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks declined sharply as elevated volatility persisted.  Trade dispute with China and concern about economy slowdown dominate the sentiment of investors.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2633 down 4.60%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 4.5% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 4.93%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index fell sharply after the attempt to break above its resistance this past week. The index is clearly in the bear market with trend line sloping downwards as seen in the weekly chart, and the weekly momentum indicator, STO, going back down toward the oversold region. Holding the support at 2620 level is the best we can hopeful for now. Our market outlook has turned negative since beginning of November when the index failed to close above its 28 week moving average. It will remain negative before the index breaking and closing above its resistance. 

Fund Rankings Update, 11/30/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Major indices rebounded from their oversold levels encouraged by positive Thanksgiving sales data and Fed chair's comment about interest rate being close to neutral level.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2760 up 4.85%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 5.16% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 5.64%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
Even with the strong rebound from ~2620 supporting level, the S&P 500 index still close below its 28 week moving average as seen in the weekly chart. The weekly momentum indicator has bounced off the threshold of 20 but is still not out of the wood yet. As the trend line is sloping down and the index has not been able to close above the resistance, we expect S&P 500 index to stay below trading between the trend line resistance and the supporting level for another few weeks. 

Fund Rankings Update, 11/23/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Trading signal occurs in HSA model portfolio: Sell VVIAX, Buy Cash

Sell-off in technology sectors drag down the markets for another week. For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2632 down 3.79%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 4.44% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 4.26%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index went down to 2632 near its 2600 support level as shown in the weekly chart. Itse 28 week moving average has changed its up trend to heading downward and the index has closed below the trend line for six weeks. The index needs to find a level to build its base before turning around. 

All the holdings in our model portfolios have moved to defensive funds due to the sell off in the past few weeks. A trading signal in HSA model portfolio was issued this week to move to cash position because every AMI in the HSA ranking table is below 0. 

Fund Rankings Update, 11/16/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks fell as trade tension with China came back to focus and oil prices continued to slide lower.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2736 down 1.61%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2.22% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 0.15%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

Fund Rankings Update, 11/9/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks rallied after mid-term election as investors cheers for gridlock government. However oil prices continued to slide lower making investors wondered if a global economy slowdown is on the horizon.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 27813 up 2.13%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 2.84% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 0.68%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index has rebounded for two weeks. The index broke above its resistance mid-week but failed to stay there and ended up close the week below its 28 week moving average. With the failed attempt and weak momentum, it is likely that the index may come down to retest its support at 2600 level again. 

Fund Rankings Update, 11/02/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Strong company earnings and better than expected job reports help the markets to recover from sharp plunge a week before. US economy added 250,000 jobs in October well above the forecast.  However, the implication of rising wages and labor shortage have made investors worry about the sustainability of economy growth. For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2723 up 2.42%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 2.36% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 2.65%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

S&P 500 index spent another week below its 28 week moving average in the weekly chart. In the daily chart, we can observe that the index went down to a level near March-April low and rebounded to close the week below its 200 day moving average. It is very likely that the index on a daily basis  will test the low at 2600 level again, and a defensive position is a better choice during this market correction phase. 

Fund Rankings Update, 10/26/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Concern about global economy growth and disappointing reports from US company quarterly earnings drove market downward. S&P 500 index and NASDAQ composite index both fell to correction territory, more than 10% from their highest level.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2658 down 3.94%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2.97% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 3.78%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

Technically, the S&P 500 index is heading downward with momentum indicator fell to over sold region. As the index closed below its 28 week moving average, the once support line becomes the resistance. The negative sentiment overwhelmed the positive as index shows no sign of breaking though its resistance last week (high of the week did not even touch the 28 week moving average). From the weekly chart, we expect a few more down weeks before the index stabilize itself. 

One note on the trading signal in RSP model portfolio last week: The adjustment looks to be a correct call from hindsight. The AMI of the number 1 ranked fund in the RSP ranking table last week fell below 0 and Conserv Income Fund took the number 1 spot this week. 

Fund Rankings Update, 10/19/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Trading signal occurs in HSA model portfolio: Sell FKAIX, Buy VVAIX
Trading signal occurs in SELECT model portfolio: Sell FSRPX, Buy FSHCX
Trading signal occurs in ETF model portfolio: Sell IGV, Buy IYH
Trading signal occurs in RSP model portfolio: Sell FDGRX, Buy 99327 Conserv Income Fund

Stocks closed mixed after sharp drop the week before.  S&P 500 index and DJIA managed to stay positive while NASDAQ composite index still stay in the negative territory. Concern about rising interest rates out weighed strong company earnings from Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and Netflix.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2767 up 0.02%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.41% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 0.64%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

S&P 500 index failed the attempt to climb and stay above the 28 week moving average. As a result, it closed the week below the trend line which became its resistance. The momentum indicator is heading downward, and we expect the consolidating will last for another few weeks. 

The sharp sell off and S&P 500 index' failure to stay above the trend line has changed the momentum rankings quickly and forced our model portfolios to move to a more defensive position. I have made a deviation in the trading signal for RSP model portfolio: Instead of buying the current number 1 ranked fund, SS LG CAP INDEX, I have changed it to buy CONSERV INCOME FUND. As the Large CAP fund is similar in style to FDGRX, and under the currently investment climate, CONSERV INCOME FUND is a better choice in my opinion.

Fund Rankings Updates, 10/12/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks fell sharply with Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more that 800 points on Wednesday. Sell off continued to Thursday with DJIA shed another 460 points.  Rising interest rates, trade tension with China were identified as root causes by investors even though they were discounted when the markets were on the way up.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2767 down 4.10%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 4.19% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 3.74%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index plunged sharply this past week similar to the pattern it encountered in February. A slow steady up tend ended up in a sharp sell-off. While S&P 500 index closed above its 28 week moving average in February, it failed to stay above the trend line this time. It is critical to see if the index can climb back above its 28 week moving average next week. If the index experiences another down week below its 28 week moving average, we may see a long correction consolidation phase. 

Fund Rankings Update, 10/05/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks start the fourth quarter with a negative tone due to sharp rise in long term interest rate. Technology sectors and small cap stocks led the markets downward while energy sectors outperformed the market due to rising energy prices.  For the week, S&P 500 index closed at 2853 down 0.97%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 0.04% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 3.21%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index finally saw meaningful pull back after three months of advance. The index is still well above its 28 week moving average with momentum indicator STO[15,1] above 80. We think the index will see some minor consolidation in the next couple of weeks while maintaining its up trend.

Fund Rankings Update, 9/28/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

The third quarter comes to an end this weekend as institution investors dressed up their investment portfolios before quarterly reporting. Note that stocks has gone up 7.2% this quarter, the strongest performance since 2013.  On the economy front, Federal Reserved raised Fed fund rate by 0.25% as expected on Wednesday and the Fed is expected to continue raising interest rate every quarter by 0.25% though next year due to strong economic growth. Major stock indices closed the week mixed with technology and consumer discretionary sectors leading the markets while material and financial sectors lagging. For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2913 down 0.54%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1.07% while technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 0.74%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
Weekly chart of S&P 500 index shows a very robust uptrend along the top of its trending channel. With high momentum and low volatility, we expect the the index to keep trending up in the fourth quarter. 

Fund Rankings Update, 9/21/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks continued to march higher as investors were encouraged by positive economic data in jobless claim, and regional manufacturing activities. Escalation of trade tension between US and China did not sway the mood in the markets.  However, technology sectors and small cap stocks under-performed the markets and recorded a small loss.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2929 up 0.85%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 2.25% while technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 0.29%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
Weekly chart of S&P shows a steady up rise trend since July. It has gone up from 2700 to 2950, a 9% increase in less than 3 months. The index still posses a very high momentum, and the uptrend appears to be intact. We expect the index to keep marching higher and don't expect change in the market direction in the near future. 

Fund Rankings Update, 9/14/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks rebounded from last week's decline. Investors' sentiment was largely affected by the mixed trade signals with China from White House.  Technology sector outperformed the general markets just as they led the way down last week.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2904 up 1.16%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.92% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 1.36%.

Weekly chart of $&P 500 index

Fund Rankings Update, 9/7/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Trading signal occurs in iETF model portfolio: Sell EWC, Buy IOO

Uncertainty about trade talk with Canada and talk about another round of tariffs on China goods weighed on investors' sentiment. Technology sector leading the decline after executives from Facebook and Twitter testified in front of congress about information integrity.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2871 down 1.03%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 0.19% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 2.55%.

Weekly chart of $&P 500 index

S&P 500 index digested its gain from the past three week as seen in the weekly chart. The healthy pull back keeps the index from over extension and back to the middle of the uptrend established in late 2016. We expect the index to keep trending higher as the technical pattern of the index stay the same with high momentum and low volatility.

Fund Rankings Update, 8/31/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Encouraged by the revised trade agreement between Mexico and U.S., as well as the optimism that a trade agreement between U.S. and Canada will soon to follow, stocks moved decisively higher with technology sector leading the ways.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2901 up 0.93%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.68% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 2.06%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
With high momentum and 2850 resistance level broken, S&P 500 moved higher to another record high as we have anticipated in last week's blog. The index is now 5% above its 28 week moving average. Caution needs to be taken when the index is too far above its support line. Looking back in January, a correction occurred when the index is more than 9% above its trend line. We are not at that extreme level yet, and we will pay close attention to the price movement when the index is more than 6% higher above its 28 week moving average.   

Fund Rankings Update, 8/24/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks advanced to record high with tech and energy sector leading the ways. Strong economic fundamental out weighed the political turmoil at the White House. For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2874 up 0.86%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.47% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 1.66%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
After four weeks of attempts to break the short term resistance at 2850, S&P 500 finally overcame the resistance decisively and closed at a record high of 2874. As the resistance level is been taken down, we expect the index to keep climbing higher. 

Fund Rankings Update, 8/17/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Trading signal occurs in sETF model portfolio: Sell IEO, Buy IHF

Concern about global economy growth due to Turkish currency crisis weighed on investor sentiment at the beginning of the week. However, stocks got a lift Thursday from news about US and China to resume trade talk in November.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2850 up 0.59%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 1.41% while technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 0.29%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index made a fourth attempt to break above 2850 resistance level this week. The index has traded between 2800 and 2850 for five weeks. As its momentum is still in the top tier region, we still think the index will move higher. However, we need to pay attention if the index fails to break the 2850 resistance and forms a short term rounded top formation. 

A trading signal was issued this week in sETF model portfolio to sell energy sector related index fund, IEO, and buy health care related fund, IHF. Health care related sectors have performed very strongly in the last 4 weeks, which can be seen in both "Select" and "sETF" ranking tables. IEO failed to maintain its momentum longer and we will sell it after holding it for 102 days with a slight loss. Hopefully IHF has a more staying power and can turn into a winning trade.

Fund Rankings Update, 8/10/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Done Jones Industrial Average fell 200 points Friday due to collapse of Turkish currency and tariff concern. The sharp drop erased the gain accumulated from the previous four days. Technology sectors and small cap stocks performed better than large cap stocks. For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2833 down 0.25%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 0.59% while technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 0.35%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index climbed above the short term resistance of 2850 in mid-week but fail to hold the ground and ended up lower for the week. As discussed last week, we expect the index to break this short resistance due to its high momentum.  

Fund Rankings Update, 8/3/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Strong company earnings moved the markets higher while trade friction with China had little impact on the markets.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2840 up 0.76%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.05% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 0.96%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index was traded between 2850 and 2800 for the second week. The index seems to find a support at 2800 but is having trouble breaking above the short term resistance at 2850. However, S&P 500 index is currently only 4% above its 28 week moving average, not over stretching itself.  Its weekly momentum is still staying on the high side and looks to be able to carry the index higher.   

Fund Rankings Update, 7/27/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks finished the week mixed with industrial sectors moving higher while technology sectors under performed due to FaceBook's one day plunge of 19% in its stock price. Companies have reported solid second quarter earnings so far but cautioned the headwind to come due to tariffs and trade tension. US GDP also grew at a strong pace of 4.1% in the second quarter. However, most of economists think it is not sustainable and the growth in the 2nd half of the year will most like;y fall back to 3%.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2818 up 0.61%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 1.57% while technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 1.06%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

S&P 500 index struggled to break out from 2800 level this week as observed in the weekly chart. The index was carried higher by its high momentum reaching closer to 2850 but went back down to 2818.  We may see some consolidation in the next few weeks if it fails to move decisively higher. 

Fund Rankings Update, 7/20/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks finished the week almost flat. Investors were trying to digest the earning news from major corporations while  shrugging of President Trump's threat to apply tariffs to all Chinese $500 billion imports.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2801 up 0.02%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.15% while technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 0.07%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

S&P 500 index struggled a bit at 2800 resistance level this past week. With momentum indicator climbing higher, we think the index will continue to move up as opposed to 5 weeks ago when the index tumbled for two weeks after similar pattern at 2791. 

Fund Rankings Update, 7/13/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks continue to advance on optimism about quarterly corporate earnings.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2801 up 1.502%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 2.3% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 1.79%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

S&P 500 index just broke above the 2800 resistance by one point. The index is slowly trending higher as the momentum indicator turned back up. The chart pattern agrees with our thesis about a moderate up trend with higher volatility this year.

Fund Rankings Update, 7/6/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stronger than expected job report outweighed the worries about trade war in this holiday-shorten trading week.   For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2759 up 1.52%, Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.76% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 2.37%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
On the weekly chart of S&P 500, we can see the index was supported by the 28 week moving average from below and bounded by 2800 from the top. Momentum of S&P 500 has weaken a bit, its STO[15,1] has fallen below the overbought threshold of 80. Breaking above the 2800 resistance level is a key for this index to continue its up trend. As investors come back from vacation next week, we will see trading volume picks up and a clearer market direction.

Fund Rankings Update, 6/29/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Trading signal occurs in iETF portfolio: Sell EWU, Buy EWC

Stocks went down the second week due to fear of trade war between US and China. Economy data did not improve investor sentiment either. Second quarter GDP was revised down from 2.2 % to 2.0 %, and new durable good orders went down 0.6% in May.   For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2718 down 1.33%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1.26% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 2.37%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index

S&P 500 index retested its 28 week moving average last week and successfully rebounded from the support as seen in the weekly chart above. We think the uptrend is still intact as long as the index can hold above its trend line. On the sector front, real estate and energy sectors are out-performing the general markets while financial related sectors are lagging. We are at the late stage of economic cycle but are not at the end yet. Higher volatility and lower growth are expected going forwards. 

Fund Rankings Update, 6/22/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Investors' sentiment were pressured by trade tension between US and its major trading partners. Trump administration is drawing up another 200 billion of Chinese goods for increased tariff, and on Friday, President Trump warned European Union about slapping 20% tariff on European auto imports.  For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2754 down 0.89%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2.03% and technology laden NASDAQ composite index decreased 0.69%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
Weekly Momentum indicator, STO, of S&P 500 index has entered the over bought area for two weeks.  The index has come down a bit after indecision last week, as shown in the weekly chart above.  Technically, the index looks to continue its slow upward pace even with negative impact from political/economic front.  

Fund Rankings Update, 6/15/2018

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted in "Rankings", "Trading Logs" pages, and

Stocks closed mixed this week. Retail sales went up more than expected in May while Fed raised fed fund rate by quarter point on Wednesday and indicated two more rate hikes coming by the end of the year.  Friday, Trump administration slapped tariff on 50 billion China imports wile China retaliated with tariff on 34 billions of US goods. Trade war with China and potentially with US allies put a damper on investors sentiment at the end of the week.   For the week,  S&P 500 index closed at 2779 up 0.02%, Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 0.89% while technology laden NASDAQ composite index increased 1.32%.

Weekly chart of S&P 500 index
S&P 500 index took a breather this week, closed almost flat. Its momentum indicator, slow STO, has just entered overbought region. We expect the index to continue marching higher once it break the short term resistance at 2800.