Trading Signal Occurs in FEMKX Timing Model, 6/13/2008

Slow economy and high inflation rate caused the current market volatility. DJIA and NASDAQ have suffered for the past two weeks with big losses. The up trend of FEMKX since mid March, appeared to be holding its own at a time, now seems to fizzle away. The slow stochastics of FEMKX has dipped below 75 (STO[15,1] of FEMKX stands at 66.01, see chart below). A "sell" signal is issued based on our trading rule. We will swallow the loss and move to the side line.

FEMX Trading Log

Fund Buy On Buy@ Sell On Sell@ P/L
FEMKX 03/26/07 $25.15 08/06/07 $29.53 17.42%
FEMKX 09/10/07 $28.98 12/28/07 $33.82 16.71%
FEMKX 04/28/08 $31.73 6/13/07 $30.81 -2.90%

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