Fund Rankings Update, 12/24/2010

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, nSSPP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted at

Trading was thin for this short holiday week but stocks still managed to close the week higher. The S&P 500 index closed this week at 1256 up 1.03%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average increased 0.71%, and the technology laden Nasdaq composite index gained 0.86% for the week.

Sensing the pick up in US' economy, oil price has risen above $90 and the price of other energy source has also risen in the past few weeks. We can see the ranks of oil/natural resource related funds rising in the Select and sETF ranking tables. In the global arena, rapid regional rotations have occurred after October. For the moment, Taiwan, Mexico and South Africa are taking the top 3 ranks in iETF ranking table.

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