Fund Rankings Update, 9/30/2011

Weekly Average Momentum Index (AMI) rankings of HSA, SSPP, RSP, SELECT, ETF, iETF, sETF have been posted at

Trading signal occurs in SSPP model portfolio: Sell FNMIX, Buy CASH.

September finally came to an end. With European debt crisis and weak US economy impacting investors' confidence, stocks experience the worst quarter since 2008.  The S&P 500 index closed this week at 1131 down 0.44%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 1.32%, and the Nasdaq composite index decreased 2.73%.

Due to negative AMI, SSPP model portfolio issued a trading signal to move to cash position. Looking back its trading records, only twice in the last 7 years had SSPP model portfolio trading moved to a cash position.The last time it moved to side line is at the end of July 2008. The S&P 500 kept falling afterwards and the portfolion stayed in cash position for more than 8 months before it enter the next trade. The economy condition may be different this time around but caution is always the best policy during uncertain time.

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